How Do I Report Lost or Delayed Luggage to Lufthansa?

If you had a flight with Lufthansa and your luggage didn't arrive at your destination with you, you need to report it so the airline can start a search. After waiting to make sure that all of the baggage has been unloaded into the baggage claim area, you can make the report at the Lufthansa baggage tracing desk or online. The company will contact you to arrange a delivery time once your luggage is found.

There are many reasons why the baggage you checked with Lufthansa didn't arrive at your destination at the same time you did. Bad weather, lost tags, technical baggage handling problems and simple human error can lead to lost or delayed luggage. If your luggage didn't arrive with you at the end of your Lufthansa trip, you need to report it to the company so it can start searching for it.

The First Thing to Do Is Wait

To know whether something has happened to your luggage, you need to find out if all the luggage has been delivered to the baggage claim area. This can take up to an hour. While you are waiting, make sure you still have your baggage claim tag and boarding pass because you may need them when you report your missing luggage.

Reporting Your Lost or Delayed Baggage

Once you see no more new baggage in the baggage claim area, it's time to report your luggage as missing. There are two ways to do this. Consider finding Lufthansa's baggage tracing desk in the airport and making your report in person. However, if there's a line, or if you have an urgent appointment elsewhere, you may wish to make the report online instead. To do so, go to the Lufthansa Delayed Baggage Service page. Enter your ticket number and family name in the text fields provided, press the Continue button and follow the instructions you are given. However you make the report, you will be given a PIR number, which you should save.

Checking on the Baggage Search

To keep up to date on the status of the search for your luggage, go to Lufthansa's Manage Your Delayed Bag Report page. Enter your PIR number and family name in the text fields provided and press the Continue button.

Finding Your Baggage

Your baggage will most likely be found within 24 hours. However, if it is not found within 5 days, Lufthansa will call you and ask you to make a list of the items that were in it. The company will then conduct an extended search and call to set up a delivery time once they find your luggage.

Contacting Lufthansa

If you have any questions, you can contact a Lufthansa customer service representative for help. You can reach one by phone, help forum, or email.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I Report Lost or Delayed Luggage to Lufthansa?

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Lufthansa lost baggage
report lost baggage Lufthansa
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